Business teaches students how to market, plan, and fundraise while also dealing with finance management. This team is also responsible for media, which sharpens photography, videography, and editing software skills.
Programming teaches students how to work efficiently in a team environment that is unavailable through computer science classes provided through the school. Problem-solving and communication skills are crucial for this team as they must quickly adapt when plans change or problems arise.
Build team teaches students how to problem-solve, design parts, and work together to create a functioning robot. They learn through hands-on experience and learn to improve upon their mistakes. Working with plentiful, yet strict deadlines, give them skills beyond those of any other activity.
Electrical teaches students how to be organized, stay focused, work efficiently, and inspire creativity for problem solving and planning. This team of students is responsible for powering all the components of the robot. They must learn how every piece works and the tools they will use before they can begin.
Strategy teaches students how to communicate effectively through networking with other teams during the competition. They gather, organize, and analyze data before and during the competition to develop strategies and ensure success.